2008 Ansan Street Arts Festival 08.02.04
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Time for a New Challenge!

- What’s ASAFringe?
It’s a name of the international competitive section of ANSAN STREET ARTS FESTIVAL (ASAF), which will be held in Ansan, Korea from 3rd~5th May, 2008.

ASAF has the history of only 4 years but it is not only the most beloved event in the region but also one of the fastest growing festivals in the country.
The city of Ansan is 30km from Seoul, with about 700,000 populations.
The festival is happening in the heart of downtown Ansan and in 2007 more than 400,000 people have visited just for 3 days. This year, nearly one million visitors are expected!
All the performances will be held in the field of street and open-air theatre.
The festival aims at developing street arts in Korea, promoting cultural exchange between countries, and relating to the audiences.

- Who can participate?
Professional artists or theatre with the experience of various street performances can join ASAFringe. From a small performance to a large scale street theatre, artistic groups from all over the world are welcome to join regardless their genre and scale. Please don’t hesitate to knock on the door of ASAF 2008, and win the audience’s love and prize!

- What’s the participating condition?
The festival provides hotel, meals (or per diem), technical rider and domestic transportation. Therefore artists must cover their own travel cost as well as freight.

2008 Ansan Street Arts Festival
May 3 - 5, 2008

Policies and General Information

Please read this information carefully. It is your agreement with the ASA Fringe and we will abide by the terms outlined.

We strongly encourage participation in the full three days of the Fringe. Performance times are around 1pm to 9pm.
The deadline for applications is Friday, February 29, 2008.
We will accept only one application per person and only one application per company. Primary and alternate contacts may be involved in only one production. The primary contact is the only individual who is authorized to submit or to make changes to company information. All Fringe correspondence will be sent to the primary contact.

While other performers and crew may choose to be involved in more than one production, they will be responsible for ensuring that no scheduling conflicts prevent or interfere with any of your performances. The ASAFringe will provide to technical requirements, accommodation and also, per diem.

Copy and Production Rights:
The ASA Fringe Festival will not knowingly produce a show without the permission of its originator(s). You are obliged to obtain written permission from the playwright/author/originator and pay any fees required for the production rights. As well, you are expected to obtain the necessary releases or pay appropriate fees to any professional associations to which you belong. Failure to do so could result in disqualification without refund or written notice.

Your Show:
You must be prepared to present a performance that runs for a minimum of 30 minutes (not less) and a maximum of 60 minutes.

Important dates to REMEMBER
• The deadline for applications is Friday, February 29, 2008.
• Notifications will begin to be given over via e-mail around March 7th, 2008.

If You Are Accepted:
• The Fringe provides: accommodation and per diem
• The Fringe provides: your venue equipped with technical requirements.
• You will be included in all Fringe publicity: our program, on our website, and overall event publicity. A detailed questionnaire will be sent to you.
• The prizes for the 1st and 2nd winners are 10,000USD and 5,000USD.
• Plan to have a wonderful time!

Our Information:
Ansan Street Arts Festival (3rd~5th May 2008)
Ansan Arts Center
817 Gojandong Danwongu Ansansi Gyunggido S.Korea p.c.425-020
Tel: +82 31 481-4030~3
Fax:+82 31 481-4021
E-mail: ansanfest@gmail.com
Web-site: www.ansanfest.com

Application Form
Applications accepted until February 29, 2008
Company and Contact Information

番号 タイトル 掲示日 照会
428 韓国文化院 韓国伝統楽器講座2008 08-05-16 13806
427 2008年度大韓民国政府獎学金(大学院)留学生募集要項 08-05-12 14101
426 5月 韓国映画鑑賞会のご案内 08-04-24 15519
425 第3回東京アートフェスティバル 08-04-10 14932
424 2008年度 第1次韓国語教員資格審査のお知らせ 08-04-02 19914
423 韓国の味―発酵キムチイベントの案内 08-03-26 21473
422 4月 韓国映画鑑賞会のご案内 08-03-25 16755
421 「韓日現代作家交流展 -朴香淑 ・ 木嶋正吾 二人展」 08-03-21 17159
420 韓国文化院ロゴマーク公募のお知らせ 08-03-21 16802
419 クムホ・アシアナ杯「話してみよう韓国語」高校生大会出場者大募集 08-03-18 18377
418 チェ・ヒョンス バリトン リサイタル開催のご案内 08-03-05 19302
417 3月 韓国映画鑑賞会のご案内 08-03-03 16535
416 韓国語能力試験変更のお知らせ 08-02-29 16855
415 第6回「話してみよう韓国語」東京大会が開催されました 08-02-25 28357
414 2008年4月開講韓国語講座新規募集について 08-02-20 18682
413 「松本芳翠そして、玄中和展」 08-02-15 18205
412 (社)韓国伝統飲食研究所 尹淑子 講演会 08-02-08 13678
411 2月 韓国映画鑑賞会のご案内 08-02-04 17198
410 2008 Ansan Street Arts Festival self 08-02-04 20619
409 韓国のお正月 「한국의 설날」 08-01-17 18015

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