ACC-Rijksakademie Dialogue and Exchange 2018-2019 2018-05-02

ACC-Rijksakademie Dialogue and Exchange 2018-2019


Deadline Extended till May 13, 2018

Duration of program

Divided into two three-month-long sessions, one based in Gwangju and the other in Amsterdam, this program will start on August 15, 2018. till November 15, 2018 in Gwangju, and then from March 1 till May 31, 2019 or from Aug 1 to Oct 31, 2019 in Amsterdam.

Application information

Application is open to upcoming Asia based artists with a few years of professional experience after their education.

If you would like to be considered as a participant please review the stipulations listed below before completing and submitting the application form (.pdf, .docx) via email to and with the subject heading ‘ACC-Rijksakademie Dialogue and Exchange 2018-2019_name_ Application’by May 13, 2018.

An application consists of completed the application form, documentation of work and CV, and all correspondence relating to the application is in English.

The selection of participants will be made in May by a committee of 3 Rijksakademie advisors and 3 ACC advisors.

A number of candidates are invited for an online interview via Skype in May 24, 2018. (tentative)

Eight artists in total will take part:four Asian artists selected through this open call, two Rijksakademie artists and two Rijksakademie alumni who have left the Rijksakademie in the past 5 years.

Program Conditions/Benefits

In Gwangju participants can expect:

•Round trip airfare (economy) to Gwangju


•Work space

•Stipend and work budget (KRW1,500,000 per month during the first session in Gwangju / tax included)

•Access to facilities and information of the ACC

•Studio visits and curatorial support through one-to-one meetings, art field trips

In Amsterdam participants can expect:

- Round trip airfare (economy) to Amsterdam

- Studio

- Stipend, accommodation and work budget of EUR 3,425 in total during the second session in Amsterdam / tax included)

- Access to facilities (technical workshops) and information of Rijksakademie

- Studio visits and support through one-to-one meetings with advisors

Participant requirements are:

•Emerging artists with some independent professional experience.

•To be able and willing to communicate in English throughout the program

•To be able to show demonstrable interest in research based practices as well as engaging with others during research processes

The selection process will consist of:

•Preliminary selection on application documents

•Subsequent selection based on interview and jury evaluations

In Gwangju participants must present:

•The report of art practices in residency within 1 month after the end of residency in Gwangju.
場所 都道府県   Gwangju 会場TEL  
会場名  ACC
期間 2018-04-25 ~ 2018-05-13
主催者  ACC 主催者TEL  062-601-4522
代表者   FAX番号  
eメール 担当者  Lucia Kwon

分類 タイトル 場所 期間
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花開くコリア・アニメーション2020+アジア 東京都 2020.4.25~4.26
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日中韓芸術展 東京都 2020.4.13~4.17
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第2回文京えほんパークレット 東京都 2020.4.5~4.5
世界子ども音楽祭2020 in 東京 東京都 2020.4.3~4.4
さいたま国際芸術祭2020 埼玉県 2020.3.28~5.17
「韓流ぴあ」4月号 3月21日(土)発売! 2020.3.27~3.27
DENSO CUP SOCCER 第17回大学日韓(... 千葉県 2020.3.21~3.22
張理香 伽倻琴・玄琴solo in 月白亭 東京都豊... 2020.3.20~3.20
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