韓国語教師募集(ポーランド) 2016-10-05 11:39

Asian Language Center is a company providing services in the field of language teaching, with a specialization in East Asian dialects.
We provide services for renowned companies and individuals.

We are looking for candidates for the position of :
Full time Korean language teacher.
Location: Poland

Teaching Korean children,teens,and adults of all ages.
Daily conversations.
Games and fun themes.
Work shop for culture introduction.

Candidate expect:
Working 5days .Being able to work maximum 17lessons units per week(1unit is 90min)
Fluent English in speech and writing.
Commitment .sincerity,creativity,responsibility.
Full availability, passion for teaching.
Completed courses related to teaching Korean as a foreign language

Additional advantages are:
Knowledge of Polish.
Experience in teaching Korean language.

What We offer?
Work for at least a year.
Stablessalary 2300zl/month(full health insurance)
Contract of employment
Assistance in finding accommodation and every day matters.
Work in a small circle and in a friendly atmosphere.
Work visa that allows you to move between countries in the Schengen area.
*Please note!
We don’t offer long term holidays during work.only Christmas holidays that about 2weeks in Poland.

If interested ,Please send your CV and previous job experience to the address → biuro@acj.edu.pl


番号 タイトル お名前 掲示日 照会
14693 10/10 日韓交流しましょう(受付終了) 下北沢日韓交流会 16-10-05 10736
14692 韓国語教師募集(ポーランド) self アジア言語学校 16-10-05 9633
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14686 ☆福山市、尾道市で楽しく韓国語教えます☆ 16-10-05 9827
14685 유학생에게 일본어를 무상으로 지도합니다 hanoji 16-10-04 9924
14684 韓国語講師募集 <60分3,000円!!> 韓国語マンツーマン.. 16-10-03 9537
14683 第3回 新大久保映画祭2016が開催されます 花紅葉 16-10-03 9557
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14681 波佐見焼の陶祖 李祐慶について 草場 里見 16-10-02 9963
14680 文字と発音集中講座( 少数限定 ) 目白大学(中井) 16-10-02 8814
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14674 日本人友達を探しています hs 16-10-01 10295

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