안녕하세요 아리랑TV 작가입니다. (I am Arirang TV writer) 2016-02-18 14:37
1. We wish you a tremendous success in the years ahead.

2. About Arirang
As you may know, Arirang is Korea's premier English-language satellite and cable network, striving to be the world's window to Korea, and to serve as an international gateway for domestic viewers through diverse, global minded programs. Since debuting in 1997, the Arirang family has expanded into every continent and more than 200 countries, watched in over 123 million households and hundreds of hotels worldwide.

3. About "Oh My Teacher"
“Oh My Teacher” is a new audition program designed for non-Koreans residing in Korea who hope to help spread Korean culture and 100 online and offline judges wishing to learn more about Korean culture.

- Participation Request -
A.       Program name: Oh My Teacher (tentative)
B.       Expected broadcasting date: April 2016 (TBA)
C.       Desired filming date: Early March 2016 (TBA)
D.       Filming place: Arirang Tower, 1467-80, Seocho-dong,
Seocho-gu, Seoul, South Korea, 137-070
E.       Requirement: Online judges (non-Korean)

Writer Kim Kwang-woo (010-5635-0452)
Writer Son Geon-ho (010-2556-4756)

番号 タイトル お名前 掲示日 照会
13624 りはな韓国料理教室サークル りはな韓国料理教室.. 16-02-25 11090
13623 【直前対策】(TOPIK)韓国語能力試験集中講座受講生募集【特別対策】 東京新橋校 16-02-24 9942
13622 Skypeでネーティブ韓国語レッスン 16-02-24 10173
13621    スカイプレッスン kunys 16-02-29 10299
13620 美容師募集!!! (ソウル) 日本人/在日韓国人 KOYONGJOO.. 16-02-24 10363
13619 謝礼金アップ★【交換ホームステイを体験してみよう!】 KJIF 16-02-23 9657
13618 3月 日韓勉強会(スタディ) ソウルメイト 16-02-23 8979
13617 후쿠오카★福岡★언어교환 mi1226 16-02-23 9908
13616 ★3月12日のAICCハングル読書教室★ aicc 16-02-23 9072
13615 「韓国ビューティー講座」を開催! aicc 16-02-22 15204
13614 한국어 일본어 언어교환 히로타 16-02-22 12142
13613 北新宿韓国語、韓国料理、韓国餅、芳香剤、キャンドル教室 MikiHomeC.. 16-02-21 11415
13612 美容師募集!!! (ソウル) 日本人/在日韓国人 KOYONGJOO.. 16-02-20 10768
13611 「漢字語で学ぶ韓国語」(時間変更) 日韓翻訳推進会 16-02-19 13424
13610 2/20韓国語勉強会 in 新大久保(参加費100円) 韓国語勉強会 16-02-18 9796
13609 안녕하세요 아리랑TV 작가입니다. (I am Arirang TV writer) self 손건호 16-02-18 11976
13608    질문입니다. komtang 16-02-25 11475
13607 韓国ビューティー特別講座 aicc 16-02-18 12057
13606 20日(土)韓国語会話サロン開催、お試し可 KJハングル講座 16-02-18 9754
13605 「シグナル」キム・ヘス、韓国に帰国したイ・ウヌの秘密に辿り着いた sbsboxs 16-02-18 11475

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