ancient Korean martial arts skill demons 2003-04-06 15:14

To whom it may be concerned,
My name is Yi, Taeshin, marketing manager of Barktur Publishing Company in South Korea. We have recently published books titled "TAEGYUN." These books are about a Korean ancient martial art, "TAEGYUN". It is designated as "Korean Important Intangible Cultural Properties (No.76)" by the Korean government.

In the Korean martial arts field, "TAEGYUN" is the only one certified by the Korean government. Song dukgee, the last successor of "TAEGYUN", left all of his skills in photos in 1985. Taegyun has all the skills in Oriental martial arts such as TAEKWONDO, HAPKIDO, JUJUTSU, IKIDO, KARATE, JUDO. The book "TAEGYUN" has all the original skills these martial arts have. It is the original form of Japanese martial arts and is a good material to compare Korean martial arts with Japanese martial arts.

About these books

The set has two volumes.
Each book contains ancient Korean martial art secret skills.
Each book has 304 pages, so the total is 608 pages.
There is no explanation text however there are more than 3,300 photos demonstrated by Song dukgee, the last successor of "TAEGYUN".
If you want more information, please visit our website or you can download ADOBE PDF document from the link If you are interested in buying the books, please contact Yi, Taeshin, marketing manager.

Copyright (c) 2003 Barktur Publishing Co., All rights reserved.

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